OGSH DNA Workshop

Request from Okinawan Genealogical Society of Hawaii (OGSH)
Please share the attached information on the DNA workshop sponsored by OGSH and HUOA scheduled for Tuesday, September 26th at 7 pm at HOC.  This is research done by Raplee Nobori to discover his Okinawan mother and Japanese father’s ancestry.   Below is the flyer and registration form for the “Tracing Your Okinawan Ancestry through DNA”  and the link to the trailer we created.  He discovered interesting DNA  information regarding a connection between the Ainu and Ryukuans as well as differences between Japanese and Okinawan DNA and their migration routes.

Link to Registration Form

Note from Ukwanshin Kabudan
Please register for and attend this intriguing presentation on DNA mapping and migration patterns sponsored by OGSH. In promoting this great learning opportunity, however, we at Ukwanshin Kabudan would like to remind you that DNA mapping and other empirical scientific research methods are merely tools to help build the bigger picture of who we are. When used in concert with ancestral knowledge, they can be powerfully constructive; however, when wielded with little or no cultural lens, they can be extremely deceptive, even destructive. Scientific research is very much prone to Western cultural biases that, historically, have dismissed or diminished the value of ancestral knowledge of native peoples. Genetic research, in particular, has a long history of over-generalizing or mischaracterizing minority and indigenous peoples, often in line with racist beliefs. This is not to say that all scientific research should be dismissed or distrusted; rather, it is a reminder that even “objective” science can be tainted or skewed by incorrect assumptions about a group of people. In regards to DNA mapping and migration research as it applies to Okinawa, please be aware that there are some who use this type of data to dismiss claims that Okinawans are indigenous, or even a separate ethnic group. Please be clear — we are NOT insinuating this is the intent of Mr. Nobori or OGSH. However, we do want to make sure our community is aware of the rhetoric surrounding studies regarding our “ethnic origins.” Please bear in mind that “heritage”, “ancestry,” “culture,” and definitely “ethnic identity” go far beyond where the first of our gene pool came from. The vast majority of who we are as a people — including indigeneity — come from what our ancestors did in place on the lands they connected with as their parents. We hope any discussion on DNA mapping or migration research will be helpful starting points in the densely layered discussion on understanding who we are as a people.

September 2023 Calendar of Events

  • September 1-30, 2023: Give Aloha donation program at your neighborhood Foodland market
  • Sunday, Sept. 10, 2023, 10 am – 3:30 pm: Loochoo Studies Cultural Workshop, University of Hawai`i at Hilo
  • Monday, Sept. 11, 7 pm – Shimakutuba – Uchinaaguchi Study Session https://bit.ly/2XkyQHQshimakutuba
  • Saturday, Sept. 30.  Juuguya: Mid-Autumn Full Moon Festival, Jikoen Hongwanji
  • Sanshin classes:
    • Ist & 3rd Tuesdays: 7:30 – 8:30 pm  Ufubushi (classical uta-sanshin)http://bit.ly/3vBOIWnSanshin
    • 1st & 3rd Wednesdays: 6:30-7:30 pm Intermediate Fa-uta (bon dance songs)7:45 – 8:15 pm Beginners’ Foundations class
    • 2nd Wednesdays: 6:30-7:30pm Jiutee (advanced)
    • 4th Wednesdays: 6:00-7:00 pm Ufubushi (classical w/ Keith-shinshii);
      7:15-8:30pm Jiutee (advanced)

Please Note:

  • We start at 6 pm only on 4th Wednesdays
  • Wednesday classes are hybrid (held online and in-person) 

Give Aloha

September also marks the start of the Foodland Give Aloha donation program.  Ukwanshin has been very fortunate to receive substantial contributions from our generous supporters in past years.  We appreciate your continued support if you will participate in this year’s program which runs through the month of September. Donations (up to $249 per customer) can be made to Ukwanshin at any Foodland grocery store by using our code: 78959.  With your donation, Foodland will contribute an additional amount based on the total customer donations made to us. 

If you would like an acknowledgement letter (for tax purposes) from us, please ask for a copy of your Foodland receipt and send it by email to events@ukwanshinkabudan.org or by US postal mail to:  Ukwanshin Kabudan / PO Box 892725 / Mililani, HI 96789

Aid for Maui

Gusūyō, chū wuganabira.
Our hearts are heavy as details surrounding the situation on Maui continue to emerge. This tragedy hits us hard, as Maui is one of the islands that Ukwanshin Kabudan has a strong connection to through their Okinawan cultural associations’ various activities. In case you are wanting to donate and unsure where to turn, here is a short list of organizations you might want to consider. 

We realize there are many other groups and programs that are legitimate and trustworthy of your consideration, and if you have the means, please help in any way you can.
Ukwanshin Kabudan

FRONTLINE OKINAWA – an Ukwanshin Kabudan Special Presentation

FRONTLINE OKINAWA – an Ukwanshin Kabudan Special Presentation
Tuesday, July 11, 2023 @ 6:30 pm (Hawaii time)

We will have the privilege of visiting with Keiko Yonaha when she disembarks on our shores during an around-the-world voyage on the Peace Boat.  Please join us in-person at Jikoen Hongwanji or Zoom online [https://bit.ly/3oxTPVT] for a stimulating conversation with Keiko Yonaha.

Calendar of Events: July 2023

Gusuuyoo , Chuu wuganabira!  July will be a very active month as you can see by the many events and activities listed below. 

Saturday, July 1 @ 3 pm
IREI NO HI – an Umanchu Suruti Special 
Monday, July 3The July 1 Special replaces the regularly scheduled Umanchu Suruti session 
Tuesday, July 4Regularly scheduled Ufubushi class is canceled
Wed., July 5
@ 6-7 pm
Fa-uta (intermediate) with Norman Kaneshiro-shinshī  http://bit.ly/3vBOIWnSanshin
Sunday, July 9 from 10 am-3:30 pmLoochoo Studies Cultural Workshop, University of Hawai`i at Hilo
Monday, July 10Regularly scheduled Shimakutuba class is canceled
Tuesday,  July 11
@ 6:30 pm

FRONTLINE OKINAWA- an Ukwanshin Kabudan
Special Presentation
A Conversation with Dr.  Keiko Yonaha
In-person:  Jikoen Hongwanji 
Online: https://bit.ly/3oxTPVT
Further details with be forthcoming
Wed., July 12
@ 6 – 7 pm
Fa-uta (advanced class) with Norman Kaneshiro-
shinshī  http://bit.ly/3vBOIWnSanshin
Wed., July 12
@ 7:30 – 8 pm
Fa-uta (beginners class)  with Norman Kaneshiro-shinshī  http://bit.ly/3vBOIWnSanshin
Tuesday, July 18
@ 7:30 – 8 pm
Ufubushi (classical uta-sanshin) with Keith Nakaganeku-shinshī  https://bit.ly/3fvMkLaSanshin
Wed., July 19
@ 6 – 7 pm
Fa-uta (intermediate class) with Norman Kaneshiro-shinshī  http://bit.ly/3vBOIWnSanshin
Sat, July 22
@ 4:30 pm
Bon Dance – Jikoen Hongwanji 
Wed., July 26
@ 6 – 7 pm

Ufubushi (classical uta-sanshin) with Keith Nakaganeku – shinshī
online: https://bit.ly/3fvMkLaSanshin
in-person: Jikoen Hongwanji preschool room
Wed., July 26
@ 7:00 – 8:30
Jiutee (dance music) practice with Norman Kaneshiro-shinshī online: https://bit.ly/3fvMkLaSanshinin-person: Jikoen Hongwanji preschool room

Wednesday Sanshin classes: time changes

Please note the time changes for Wednesday classes as shown below:

1st & 3rd Wednesdays

6:30-7:30pm Intermediate Fa-uta (bon dance songs)

7:45-8:15pm Beginners’ Foundations class

2nd Wednesdays

6:30-7:30pm Jiutee (advanced)

4th WednesdaysPlease note we start at 6pm only on 4th Wednesdays. And these are all hybrid classes.

6:00-7:00pm Ufubushi (classical w/ Keith-shinshii)

7:15-8:30pm Jiutee (advanced)

A Very Special Umanchu Suruti: ‘IREI NO HI’

A Very Special Umanchu Suruti: ‘IREI NO HI’ Saturday, July 1, 2023 – 3pm (Hawai`i time)

Please find time to join us for a special presentation of Umanchu Suruti featuring our earnest and sincere young students.  It will be these youth who will be our next generation of leaders.  Let’s listen to hear what they have to say.

Please Zoom in with us for an interesting discussion.  link:https://bit.ly/3oxTPVT

Ukwanshin Kabudan Fundraiser & ‘Chiburu’ book signing

Here’s a special chance for you to meet the leaders of Ukwanshin Kabudan, Eric Wada, Norman Kaneshiro and Brandon Ing, this coming Saturday, June 17 from 2-3pm.  They will  be ‘live and in-person’ at Barnes & Noble in Ala Moana Shopping Center   As contributors to the Chiburu anthology, they will be signing the book along with editor Lee Tonouchi.  Selected purchases during the full day may also contribute to a fundraiser for Ukwanshin.  For more detailed information, please see the flyer below. Also, take a look at this amusing promotional video created by multi-talented Brandon Ing. ‘So cute, you know.’  [click on this link:  https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtXULwxOwF4/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==